Creating a budget - AWS Cost Management

Creating a budget

You can create budgets to track and take action on your costs and usage. You can also create budgets to track your aggregate Reserved Instance (RI) and Savings Plans utilization and coverage. By default, single accounts, the management account, and member accounts in an organization can create budgets.

When you create a budget, AWS Budgets provides a Cost Explorer graph to help you see your incurred costs and usage. If you didn't enable Cost Explorer yet, this graph is blank and AWS Budgets will enable Cost Explorer when you create your first budget. You can create your budget without enabling Cost Explorer. It can take up to 24 hours for this graph to appear after you or AWS Budgets enable Cost Explorer.

You can create and set up a budget in two ways:

You can also use our walk-through tutorials to learn how to achieve your objectives with AWS Budgets.

To access tutorials
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Cost Management console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Budgets.

  3. Next to Overview, choose Info.

  4. In the help panel, choose Tutorials.